CAP through a Donor's Eyes

Submitted by evanharrell on Thu, 09/29/2016

commodities-dayIt is always nice to receive letters of encouragement from our gracious donors. Recently, we received one letter that really stood out. We would like to share Teresa’s story and letter with you.

Teresa began giving to Christian Appalachian Project in 1995 when she received a letter in the mail. The letter sparked an interest in her and she wanted to learn more about CAP and the people we serve. She decided to make the trip to Appalachia to learn more about the programs.

After her visit to Camp AJ and the Christmas Basket distribution, Teresa said, “The region and the people were on my heart. I feel sometimes the region is forgotten. CAP provides a hand up instead of a handout. I had great experiences with CAP – it is a wonderful organization.”

Below is a letter Teresa sent detailing her experiences with CAP and the people we serve in Appalachia.

Dear Mr. Adams,

I was honored to work with Sister Robbie during the Christmas Basket program in December 2014. She IS a gem! We had been donating to C.A.P. for almost 20 years and I wanted to come and see Fr. Beiting's dream in person. So I called and through a series of channels was led to Sister. After canvassing all the various programs, she gave me a list of needed items. So I put out the word to friends and family and came with a van load of items from that list. What a WONDERFUL experience I had! Sister Robbie took me on a tour of many of the facilities, explained many things I did not know and introduced me to some amazing people.

Even though I am far away, the people of Appalachia are in my heart. Their history, their spirit, their ways, and unfortunately their trials and tribulations are etched in my thinking. Over both trips I have spent about a week there. Surely, not enough time to know much, but enough to watch these dedicated individuals you have working for you in service of others.

Your people, day after day, fight the uphill battle to (as I was told) "remove the barriers" for the people of Appalachia to live a better life, which I thought was a wonderful way to word the C.A.P. mission.

You can also see a lot by watching the way your clients interact and react with the C.A.P. staff. There seems to be comfortability between them. I know enough to know that the region boasts proud people, invested in their heritage and that "charity" is viewed differently than it may be in other parts of the country. Liz, Vickie, Connie, Ruthie and all the others have such a dignity about them and a dignity in how they treat those that come to C.A.P. for help. This letter can simply not convey enough what marvelously, dedicated, people make up the C.A.P. staff. To put it simply … they blow me away!!

How proud you must be (or should be) of all those out there every day facing the struggles and issues right alongside those they are helping, probably often tearing their hair out on how and the best way to get the job done. But that is just what they do. Get it done. Every day. And with a MOST amazing spirit!



Prayer Requests

Our faith calls us and sustains us— that's why Christian Appalachian Project gathers for chapel each day. If you or a loved one are in need of prayers, please let us know and we will lift up your request.


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