Meet our new long-term volunteers and AmeriCorps members!

Submitted by aschill on Tue, 02/13/2018


In January, the Volunteer Program welcomed five new AmeriCorps members and long-term volunteers who are joining us in our mission to build hope, transform lives, and share Christ’s love through service in Appalachia. They are embarking upon a year of full-time service within CAP’s programs, and they make an additional commitment to building intentional relationships with their volunteer community and taking time for personal reflection.

Christine Bieniosek

Hometown: Litchfield, Ohio

What were you doing before coming to CAP? Working as an accountant

Service Placement: AmeriCorps Home Repair Crew Member, Johnson Volunteer Community

If you chose CAP over other volunteer programs, what made CAP stand out? “I had served with CAP before and had fantastic experiences each time. The organization is small enough to feel personal, yet large and established enough to have the resources available for us to provide great service.”

Shirley O'Farrell

Hometown: Clackamas, Oregon

What were you doing before you came to CAP? Retired from nursing

Service Placement: AmeriCorps Family Advocacy Caseworker

Fun fact: Not all CAP Volunteers choose to live in our intentional communities. Though Shirley connects regularly with the Johnson Volunteer Community, she found her own apartment in the area.

JoshuaJoshua Peterson

Hometown: Jupiter, Florida

What were you doing before coming to CAP? Volunteering in Texas

Service Placement: AmeriCorps Home Repair Crew Member, Rockcastle Volunteer Community

What are you hoping to learn from your time of service? "I am hoping to cultivate a deeper understanding of life, learn new skills and talents, and take them with me to continue serving."

Tim and PeggyTim and Peggy Ridenour

Hometown: Manquin, Virginia

What were you doing before you came to CAP? Working for a petroleum equipment company (Tim) and in an adult day center (Peggy)

Service Placement: AmeriCorps Home Repair Crew Member (Tim) and AmeriCorps Home Repair Crew Member and Caseworker (Peggy), Jackson Volunteer Community

Fun fact: Tim and Peggy both volunteered for CAP through a church mission trip before deciding to commit to a year of service together.

Want to join Christine, Shirley, Joshua, Tim, and Peggy? Check out our admissions timeline for our next application deadline.

Prayer Requests

Our faith calls us and sustains us— that's why Christian Appalachian Project gathers for chapel each day. If you or a loved one are in need of prayers, please let us know and we will lift up your request.


Every Penny Counts

89% of donations go directly to families in need.