Participant's Experience Leads to Employment

Submitted by ckdcaudill on Thu, 05/28/2015

15620_May2CAP operates two Child and Family Development Centers (CFDCs), that offer programs for infants to children up to five years old. Each center’s services are tailored to meet the particular needs of that community, and may include preschool and in-home visitation for infants and toddlers.

Meet Lucy. She has come full circle within CAP. As a child, Lucy’s parents enrolled her in what was then called the Headstart program in our Mt. Vernon, Kentucky location. This is a program for children that prepares them for kindergarten.

As an adult, Lucy and her son moved to a nearby county where she was able to find employment. Unfortunately, Lucy’s job was eliminated, which forced her and her son to move back into her childhood home with her parents. Lucy began looking for a program to prepare her son, Ben, for public school.

A friend told Lucy about CAP’s Child and Family Development Center, which she was already familiar with from her childhood. Because she had only positive memories of her experience at CAP, she did not hesitate to contact the program manager. Lucy enrolled her son in a home-based CAP program, and, next year, he will start attending the CFDC preschool program.

Lucy not only found success for her son through CAP, but she also found employment for herself! CAP is honored to welcome Lucy to the Child and Family Development Center, where she holds multiple positions. When asked how CAP has impacted her life, Lucy explains, “You can be yourself at CAP without fear of being judged. Truly, CAP is my second family. I remember being taught at the CFDC. Now I am an employee, and while the work can sometimes be stressful, I always love my work because I work alongside my second family.”

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