Save A Lot donates to Grateful Bread Food Pantry

Submitted by brittany.conley on Wed, 03/30/2022

MOUNT VERNON, Ky. – (March 29, 2022) Save A Lot partners with Christian Appalachian Project’s (CAP) Grateful Bread Food Pantry to serve the community. The store recently donated to the pantry after being recognized by its parent company as a top location in its annual Bags for a Brighter Holiday food donation program.

“We’re very grateful for the donation, but not surprised at their generosity,” said Brad Hunt, Grateful Bread’s warehouse driver who works directly with Save A Lot throughout the year on pantry purchases. “It is an awesome relationship that we have.”

Save A Lot is one of the largest discount grocery chains in the United States. Each year stores support local communities where they operate by donating much-needed, high-quality food to local charities like CAP’s Grateful Bread that fight hunger.

Customers purchased pre-assembled bags of food for $4.99 and Save A Lot donated those bags to the pantry for distribution. Our local Save A Lot was among the stores recognized for the number of bags they were able to donate. The store received a cash award which was donated to the pantry to help the community.

“We know when we work with Christian Appalachian Project it goes to help the community,” said Paul Harper, store manager in Mount Vernon. “A lot of people are struggling day to day to meet basic needs. This is an additional way that we can help out. We thank CAP for what they do in the community.”

The donation received goes directly back into ways to serve children, their families, and seniors in Rockcastle County.

“We use those donations to purchase food for our backpack program that provides nutritious food over the weekend for students in Rockcastle County Schools,” Hunt said. “Our partnership year around with Save A Lot helps provide extra food for our holiday pantry boxes and they work with us to fight hunger in the community.”

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