
Christian Appalachian Project

This past Sunday, two of my housemates talked me into going hiking with them. I am not the most avid hiker. I do not like the numerous almost falls that I usually experience while hiking, or climbing on things that I am pretty sure I cannot get off...

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Christian Appalachian Project
Feature Story

Below are images of volunteers hard at work repairing homes during CAP's WorkFest 2015 annual event. Date: March 2015 Dedicated volunteers work to make much needed roof repairs. The home of the Edwards family was in desperate need of roof repairs....

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Christian Appalachian Project

  2015. It is a new year. This means New Year Resolutions, yes? Well, my volunteer community chooses to forgo the resolutions. We feel that resolutions often set us up for failure. You might say, “I am going to work out more,” then a month goes by...

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Mountain Spirit

By Liz James A single flame flickers at the front of the room. Dancing across the faces of five volunteers, the light illuminates their differences in age, experience, and expression. Five unique countenances telling five unique stories. These five...

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Mountain Spirit

Julianna: The summer I came home from East Africa I had to stop and think about my next step. I longed to return there one day and assist in economic development, but God had another plan for my life. I knew I was called to serve others and I had...

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Prayer Requests

Our faith calls us and sustains us— that's why Christian Appalachian Project gathers for chapel each day. If you or a loved one are in need of prayers, please let us know and we will lift up your request.


Every Penny Counts

88.5% of donations go directly to families in need.