
Christian Appalachian Project

We have an urgent need for volunteer assistant crew leaders to serve at WorkFest/YouthFest. These individuals must be experienced in home repair and comfortable helping lead groups of unskilled students on the job site. Assistant crew leaders will...

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Christian Appalachian Project

Last month, Christian Appalachian Project commissioned five long-term (and two short-term) volunteers who have made a commitment of one year to Service, Community, and Spirituality in Eastern Kentucky. Our new volunteers come from all over the...

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Mountain Spirit

By Ben Self Born in 1928, Loyal Jones was raised in a farming community in Cherokee County, North Carolina, deep in the Appalachian Mountains. His passions for the people and culture of Appalachia and for fighting poverty in the mountains led him...

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Mountain Spirit

By Susie Hillard Bullock Bob Hutchison’s parents taught him the importance of hard work and sharing—lessons that guide the eastern Kentucky entrepreneur and Christian Appalachian Project board member to this day. “It was the culture that my parents...

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Mountain Spirit

By Clay Lester Like a modern day Noah, an older gentleman lines everyone up in pairs of two. Facing my partner, an energetic young lady in her seventies, I allow a moment to orient myself to my surroundings. The open space of the Berea Folk Center...

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Prayer Requests

Our faith calls us and sustains us— that's why Christian Appalachian Project gathers for chapel each day. If you or a loved one are in need of prayers, please let us know and we will lift up your request.


Every Penny Counts

88.5% of donations go directly to families in need.