Christian Appalachian Project’s Operation Sharing partners with Hazel Green Food Project

Submitted by bstephens on Wed, 05/15/2024

West Liberty, Ky. (May 15, 2024) – Christian Appalachian Project’s (CAP) Operation Sharing program partnered with Hazel Green Food Project to provide food and other essential items to 651 families from 10 different counties. Operation Sharing partners with smaller charities like Hazel Green to extend the impact into additional Appalachian communities. Hazel Green started two years ago after floods ravaged Eastern Kentucky.

“The Hazel Green Food Project has been an invaluable partner to Operation Sharing for several years,” said Aaron Thoms, manager of Operation Sharing in Paintsville. “Nicky Stacy, the director, is exceptional. She demonstrates a level of compassion unparalleled by others. Her dedication to addressing the needs of her community is truly remarkable, as she consistently goes above and beyond to make a difference. Partnering with her just makes perfect sense, as her passion and commitment align seamlessly with the goals of Operation Sharing.”

Cars began lining up several hours before the distribution began and by the end of the day, 410 cars had gone through the line.

“Judge Executive Jim Gazay in Morgan County was really concerned about providing for the children since they will soon be out of school,” Stacy said. “People just need help. Times are tough. You may look like you have enough in the bank, but all of the costs like your prescriptions or raising your grandchildren, your income is nearly zero. Other pantries that are income-based turn people away. We just serve the people.”

Students from Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) also volunteered at the distribution. They were joined by Hazel Green’s community volunteers and employees from Operation Sharing.

“It's crucial to provide our teams with opportunities to serve in the community, enabling them to witness firsthand the direct impact our products have on people's lives,” Thoms added. “Seeing the elderly smile with relief, expressing gratitude for assistance when they had no idea how to make it through the month on a fixed income, or witnessing a child's excitement over receiving something as simple as a new carton of chocolate milk, is incredibly rewarding.”

Prayer Requests

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Every Penny Counts

88.5% of donations go directly to families in need.