Lisa Thompson: Why CAP?

Submitted by Kstefanowicz on Fri, 09/21/2018

I moved to Mount Vernon, Kentucky over a month ago. I have always had a love for Appalachia. It all began with Loretta Lynn. She taught herself how to play the guitar and created songs from her heart. My favorite song is Coal Miner’s Daughter. It inspired me to appreciate whatever I have and to enjoy life. 

More people from Kentucky continued to inspire me such as The Judd’s who sang beautiful songs from their hearts. I really like the song  Rockin with the Rhythm of the Rain. It inspired me to appreciate God’s creation. Ashley Judd also inspired me to move to Appalachia. She is an actress who enjoys academics and volunteer work. She inspires me to keep learning new things and to encourage others on their journey with life. 

However, it was the Setser’s from my childhood home of New Jersey that eventually sent me here. Rodger and Fred were brothers and they were principals of my hometown high school. They were raised in Auxier, Kentucky and they cared for their students.They brought Appalachian values to my hometown. Their eldest brother Paul also became a principal in Johnson County, Kentucky. He was so influential, a gymnasium was named in his honor. I am so grateful for Rodger and Fred and I want to pay their kindness forward by volunteering through AmeriCorps and with Christian Appalachian Project.                                                                        

Lisa enjoys hiking wilderness trails, traditional Appalachian music and folklore. She has resided in West Virginia for the last 16 years and is excited to encourage and support the young learners at the Family Life Child Development Center in Mount Vernon. She is an AmeriCorps member and long-term volunteer residing at the Rockcastle Volunteer House.

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