CAP partners with Toys for Tots, Good360 to help children

Submitted by mmoreno on Mon, 05/11/2020

By Tina Bryson

PAINTSVILLE, Ky. – The coronavirus pandemic has shuttered countless businesses, forced families to remain isolated in their homes and has resulted in millions of parents now being unemployed, without income, and in dire need of support.  While Toys for Tots is the nation’s flagship children’s Christmas-time charity, the organization is not waiting until the holiday season to provide support.  In order to provide immediate relief and assistance now, Toys for Tots has partnered with Good360 and Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) to help us distribute toys, games, and books to families-in-need in Appalachia.  

“We know that there are so many children and their families that have been impacted by COVID-19 with many schools in our area closed for the rest of the school year,” said Jeff Burchett, director of CAP’s Operation Sharing. “Through our partner agencies, we get to be distribute these toys provided by Good 360 and Toys for Tots in communities dealing with poverty and COVID-19. I know that these toys will be a blessing to many children in Appalachia.”

Toys, books and games offer many benefits during this extraordinary time of need.  They will help to combat boredom, relieve anxiety in children, facilitate a return to normalcy, and even contribute to the educational development of our nation’s most precious resource – our children.

“Good360 is proud to join forces with Toys for Tots to bring some joy and support to families with children,” said Matt Connelly, CEO of Good360. “We are seeing a dramatic rise in demand for a wide variety of personal and household items, including toys. We are pleased to be able to leverage our vast nonprofit distribution network to provide a measure of relief to families weathering this crisis.”

CAP has joined with partner organizations in Kentucky as well as other Appalachian states to make sure that these toys and other needed essentials reach children and their families at this critical time.  

“Each tractor trailer load of product that comes into our warehouse makes a real difference for families,” Burchett added. “Partners like Good360 help make it possible for CAP to live out its mission to help people in need in Appalachia. When we see the smiles on the faces of children getting these toys donated by Toys for Tots, it means a lot. Things are so hard right now in our country, and really, in the world. We all have to pull together, neighbors helping neighbors, and we will get through this together.”


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