Churches and Businesses

You can help fight hunger and feed hope through your church or business by collecting nonperishable foods for children, their families, and seniors in Appalachia. Food collections for Hunger Walk begin between early to mid-August and end in early September. CAP will provide blue barrels and black collapsible crates for collection at each participating location. Food collected during the month will be distributed to CAP’s pantries, including Grateful Bread Food Pantry in Rockcastle County, Eagle Food Pantry in McCreary County, and our partner pantry Water Into Wine in Magoffin County. 

Financial donations are also welcome during this time to help support CAP’s efforts to reduce food insecurity. Rather than paying retail prices, our pantries work with our partners like God’s Pantry Food Bank to secure healthy food from major manufacturers, retailers, and farmers. This means that when you donate a dollar, you’re able to put more meals on the tables of families than if you donated food you’d purchase at the store. CAP can provide three meals for one person for $2.40, or 80 cents per meal. Donations also help cover the cost of picking up food items from our partners. As supply chain issues continue and the cost of transportation rises, monetary donations can make a powerful impact in fighting hunger. 

For any inquiries contact us today:

Church Relations Officer:

Corporate Relations Officer:

Prayer Requests

Our faith calls us and sustains us— that's why Christian Appalachian Project gathers for chapel each day. If you or a loved one are in need of prayers, please let us know and we will lift up your request.


Every Penny Counts

89% of donations go directly to families in need.