Summer Camp 2016 - Run Your Race

Submitted by CAP Volunteer on Mon, 02/29/2016


We're excited to announce our Summer Camp theme for 2016 is "Run Your Race" to coincide with the summer Olympics. Camp Andrew Jackson and Camp Shawnee will each be hosting seven weeks of summer camp with dates as follows:

Camp Shawnee

Camp Andrew Jackson

June 6-10 - Volunteer Orientation
June 13-16 - Day Camp (tentative)
June 20-23 - Day Camp (tentative)
June 27-July 1 Co-ed Youth Age 9-12
July 5-8 Co-ed Youth Age 6-8
July 11-15 Co-ed Youth Age 7-9
July 18-22 All Boy Week Age 10-15
July 25-29 All Girl Week Age 10-15

June 6-10 - Volunteer Orientation
June 13-17 –Co-ed Youth Age 7-13
June 20-24 – Co-ed Youth Age 7-13
June 27-30 - Teen Girls Age 13-15
July 5-8 – Teen Boys Age 13-15
July 11-15 - Co-ed Youth Age 7-13
July 18-22 – Girls Youth Age 7-13
July 25-29 - Co-ed Youth Age 7-13


We are still in need of volunteers to serve at our camps as camp counselors, lifeguards, nurses, social media, arts & crafts, kitchen and office personnel. Volunteers are an integral part of creating a camp experience where each child is uplifted and celebrated for who they truly are. Think you might want to join us this summer? We're looking for a minimum commitment of three weeks with the opportunity to serve for the full summer available. For medical personnel, we only require a one week minimum commitment. Room and board is provided to all volunteers at no cost. For volunteers who serve the full summer, some reimbursement of travel costs is available.  To join us this summer apply here or contact the Volunteer program at 800-755-5322 to request a paper application. If you're interested in seeing what a camp experience at AJ or Shawnee is like visit our camps on Facebook and check out photos from previous summers.

Prayer Requests

Our faith calls us and sustains us— that's why Christian Appalachian Project gathers for chapel each day. If you or a loved one are in need of prayers, please let us know and we will lift up your request.


Every Penny Counts

89% of donations go directly to families in need.