Urgent - Volunteer Assistant Crew Leaders Needed in March & April

Submitted by CAP Volunteer on Fri, 02/06/2015

We have an urgent need for volunteer assistant crew leaders to serve at WorkFest/YouthFest.

These individuals must be experienced in home repair and comfortable helping lead groups of unskilled students on the job site. Assistant crew leaders will supervise approximately ten students in completing repair activities such as building porches, installing siding, windows and doors, and repairing roofs and flooring.  WorkFest will run March 1st-27th with YouthFest to follow March 29th-April 17th. A three week commitment is preferred with 1-2 week opportunities also available.

Please consider joining us or sharing this need with a friend or family member who has the relevant skills and a desire to serve in Appalachia. For more information or to request a paper application please call the Volunteer program at 800-755-5322. You can also access an online version of the application here.

Prayer Requests

Our faith calls us and sustains us— that's why Christian Appalachian Project gathers for chapel each day. If you or a loved one are in need of prayers, please let us know and we will lift up your request.


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